Employer Survey

Employer Survey


Recent Hiring

Have you hired maintenance technician(s) from TX Fast Track within the last 12 months?(Required)
If you hired a technician from TX Fast Track, are they still employed with your company?(Required)

Confidence in Technician(s)

How confident are you in the ability of the maintenance technician(s) you hired from TX Fast Track to perform their job effectively?(Required)

Likelihood to Hire Again or Recommend

How likely are you to hire from TX Fast Track again or recommend the program to other employers?(Required)

Job Performance

How would you rate the job performance of the maintenance technician(s) hired from TX Fast Track?

Program Improvement Feedback

Stephanie Grusenmeyer
Workforce Engagement Specialist
Phone: 210-335-WORK (9675)
Email: info@txfasttrack.com